B. B. King and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band at Tipitinas!

The most expensive show ever at Tipitina’s at $100/ticket and the place is packed. In a town of low-or-no cover charges (great for music lovers, potentially terrible for musicians, unless fans hit that tip bucket–<<hint>> <<hint>>), a $100 show is essentially a once-in-a-lifetime one, and no better way cash in that chance than to see B. […]
The Gravy: In the Kitchen with New Orleans Musicians
Please consider supporting the Kickstarter project for The Gravy: In the Kitchen with New Orleans Musicians. The book includes forty-four first-person accounts from musicians and more than two hundred photographs and digs into the deep connections between New Orleans music and food. Almost every musical genre in New Orleans is represented, including jazz and brass, bounce […]
Mardi Gras Indians Focus: Greg Perkins

Mardi Gras Indian Greg Perkins sporting two recent Indian costumes he sewed–check out the amazing white spy boy costume from 2010 and his purple suit from 2011!
Best of 2012
Some of our favorites from shows we covered in 2012: