Really loving a band that’s “gone” is rarely enough to make them come back, because who’s that generous? But we’re stubborn (and our love stronger than most), so we resorted to love tinged with voodoo. Strategy: Play “Scrap” from the L7 “Bricks are Heavy” album on repeat, forever, until the band reforms. Love every moment of the experience. And well, voila. Similar attempts failed in the past for Led Zeppelin and The Beatles, but 1 out of 3 for a mystical strategy ain’t half bad.
We caught L7 in Santa Cruz at the Catalyst and got more than our money’s worth for playing “Scrap” 13,738 times in a row at high volume, wearing out seven pairs of expensive Focal speakers in the process. After all, what’s $63,000 in busted speakers and a few excessive noise citations when you get the baddest female hard rock band in history back together?
Openers were ¡No Acción!, an explosively energetic local band whose themes largely target social change (for the better). Not social change like ’60s folk bands. More like Iron Reagan focused on affordable housing. ¡No Acción! is Josh on guitar and vocals, Lupe on bass, Americo on drums, and Lazaro on guitar and vocals. If you’re in CA, check ’em out! Their new EP is available on Bandcamp.
Check out the rest of the photos of L7 and ¡No Acción! from the Catalyst show in the gallery below.