Upcoming scatterjazz Show: Ingrid Laubrock and Tom Rainey

Ingrid Laubrock and Tom Rainey If you’re not familiar with scatterjazz, it’s Andy Durta’s music booking project, which brings a host of amazing (and eclectic) shows to the New Orleans area (tag line: “intense original music to scare the children and soothe the stormy mind”–no worries, though, our children have attended scatterjazz shows and […]
The 2013 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

Another Jazz Fest, come and gone, and we caught every act that we possibly could, across all seven days. Some of our highlights, along with extensive photographic coverage, below: Day # 1: Standout performance and our favorite act of the day was Gary Clark, Jr. We’ve seen him before (a lot, actually) and performing roughly […]
B. B. King and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band at Tipitinas!

The most expensive show ever at Tipitina’s at $100/ticket and the place is packed. In a town of low-or-no cover charges (great for music lovers, potentially terrible for musicians, unless fans hit that tip bucket–<<hint>> <<hint>>), a $100 show is essentially a once-in-a-lifetime one, and no better way cash in that chance than to see B. […]
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival 2011 (Second Weekend).

All good things must come to an end. Actually, in New Orleans that’s not strictly true, since the end of Jazz Fest simply returns us to the normal firehouse-sized helping of daily music and festivals, but for non-locals, maybe it is a temporary ending. In any event, we recount our best experiences during the last […]